Publications by Benjamin E. Henty

Single Antenna Target Detection Using Broadband Frequency Selection Time Reversal Method

Yi Jiang, Jian-Gang Zhu, Daniel D. Stancil, José Moura, Ahmet G. Cepni, Benjamin Henty, and Yuan-Wei Jin. Single Antenna Target Detection Using Broadband Frequency Selection Time Reversal Method. In Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, pp. 699–702, July 2006.


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In this paper, we present a broadband single antenna target detection scheme using frequency selection time reversal method to further improve the target detection in a cluttered environment. By re-transmitting time-reversed difference signal between reflections from the environment with and without the target, constructive interferences between the target and the background scatterers are utilized to enhance the return signal from target. Meanwhile, frequency selection time reversal emphasizes on the section of wavelengths with more constructive interferences and filters out the broadband white noise at the other spectrum. Thus, signal to noise ratio (SNR) is substantially increased. The effectiveness of the proposed detection scheme has been demonstrated by numerical simulation. The simulation results show that using frequency selection time reversal method, the detection probability is significantly enhanced and SNR can be improved 2-5 dB.


  author = {Yi Jiang and Jian-Gang Zhu and Daniel D. Stancil and Jos\'e Moura
	and Ahmet G. Cepni and Benjamin Henty and Yuan-Wei Jin},
  title = {Single Antenna Target Detection Using Broadband Frequency Selection
	Time Reversal Method},
  booktitle = {Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {699-702},
  month = jul,
  organization = {IEEE},
  abstract = {In this paper, we present a broadband single antenna target detection
	scheme using frequency selection time reversal method to further
	improve the target detection in a cluttered environment. By re-transmitting
	time-reversed difference signal between reflections from the environment
	with and without the target, constructive interferences between the
	target and the background scatterers are utilized to enhance the
	return signal from target. Meanwhile, frequency selection time reversal
	emphasizes on the section of wavelengths with more constructive interferences
	and filters out the broadband white noise at the other spectrum.
	Thus, signal to noise ratio (SNR) is substantially increased. The
	effectiveness of the proposed detection scheme has been demonstrated
	by numerical simulation. The simulation results show that using frequency
	selection time reversal method, the detection probability is significantly
	enhanced and SNR can be improved 2-5 dB.},
  doi = {10.1109/APS.2006.1710621},
  file = {henty_aps_2006b:me/henty_aps_2006b:PDF},
  owner = {henty},
  timestamp = {2006.12.29},
  url = {}

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